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Horror in the Library

Blue Donut Studios Ltd

Horror in the Library Crowdfunding Campaign

Horror in the Library Crowdfunding Campaign

Horror in the Library: Aboutcampaign image 5campaign image 6

Horror in the Library: About the Campaign

Horror in the Library Crowdfunding Campaign

customer message

Horror in the Library Crowdfunding Campaign - The Rules

Horror in the Library: Download the Rules.

campaign image 12

Horror in the Library Game ItemsHorror in the Library: The Cards

campaign image 15

Horror in the Library: Add-Ons MenuHorror in the Library: Add-Ons MenuHorror in the Library: Add-Ons Menu

Horror in the Library: Shipping

Horror in the Library: Project TimelineHorror in the Library: TimelineHorror in the Library: Timeline

Horror in the Library: Play the Invitation Text Game for Discounts

Horror in the Library: The Invitaion Promo Game

Horror in the Library: Play the Invitation Game

Blue Donut Studios Ltd. was founded in 2013. We are a incubator for developing creative technology. In 2021 we established Blue Donut Games Ltd., our brand for independent creation of card games and board games based in the UK. We sell our games at games shows and through our website at For more about our VR, AR and Comics please visit


That is decided by you and your fellow players! Before starting to play Horror in the Library, players agree how many items are needed to be able to escape the Library and win the game. The more items, the longer the game will last. A short game is around 25-30 minutes and uses two item tiles and is ideal for two players. A long game with four to six players would be an afternoon or an evening and would require the full six items to collect.

The rules will be available in English, French and German. We will plan to provide downloadable versions of the rule book in other languages after the campaign. So if there is enough demand for another language we will get it translated for those customers.

Yes. We provide both a Discord channel and a forum at We are on Facebook and Instagram

We developed Horror in the Library to be a family orientated game. We recommend that parents make an informed choice around their children's participation. We think that children under the age of 12 should not play this game.

1. The game contains monsters that young children may find scary. Hopefully the adults feel a bit scared too! In a good way.
2. There are some incidents of shooting, poisoning, stabbing and general mayhem of monster baiting that is probably not suitable for children under 12.
3. There are NO offensive sexual references.
4. There are NO references to dark or satanic magic.

Horror in the Library Standard Edition supports 2-4 players. It can support up to a total of 6 players if you purchase the expansion pack.

Yes. You can download the Horror in the Library Rule book (Version 2.2.) for free here:
Rule Book
Please note that this is currently only the English Rules.

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      Horror in the Library

      Horror in the Library Blue Donut Studios Ltd

      The Victorian Horror Game of Tactics, Betrayal and Collecting


      £ 98 (2%)
      Amount raised
      • Initial funding goal :
        £ 5,000

      Time left

      Project finished
      from 03/15/2022 19:00 till 03/18/2022 23:00

      Project creator

      Blue Donut Studios Ltd [Havant, United Kingdom]


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      Project creator

      Blue Donut Studios Ltd [Havant, United Kingdom]


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